🏡 Home

<aside> 🤔 This is a 1-to-1 mirror of a private Notion page. It’s deployed to a custom domain and, thanks to Next.js, it syncs right after you edit stuff in Notion ⚡


This means that previews of your content can be indexed by search engines which’ll generate more access points for your potential readers & customers!

Content above the paywall serves as a teaser

💡 If you’re selling a technical e-book/manual, you can explain topics with selective code highlighting so aha moments happen faster 😮

POST locations/_search
  "query": {
    "geo_bounding_box": {
      "geometry.coordinates": {
        "bottom_left": [-74.32457, 40.51119],
        "top_right": [-73.72444, 40.93012]

The paywalled content begins here…

If people want to read it, they’ll have to buy access. Once they do, they’ll be able to sign in with a password-less, magic email link 🪄