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In the parent chapter we briefly explored Google Maps’ native transit layer.

In this chapter, we’ll attempt to replicate this layer using publicly available GeoJSON data and learn a thing or two about Google Maps’ interactive data layers.


I’m a city planner analyzing the proximity of New York City subway lines to new developments.

To start off, I’d like to view and highlight the metro lines:



As you saw in the chapter on Turf.js & Exporting to GeoJSON, the GeoJSON format is a popular mechanism to encode and share geospatial data.

Finding the right data

Many cities, agencies, and non-profits publish valuable GeoJSON data online. In your case, the city agency of choice would be NYC Open Data. Searching for “subway lines” leads to a promising dataset. From there, under “Export”, you’ll need to copy the GeoJSON URL:


To quickly inspect the geometries and properties of this small dataset, you can use geojson.io.

Indeed, you’re dealing with a FeatureCollection containing features of the form:

  "type": "Feature",
  "properties": {
    "name": "A-C",
    "url": "<http://web.mta.info/nyct/service/>",
    "rt_symbol": "A",
    "objectid": "800",
    "id": "2000251",
    "shape_len": "2714.92372395"
  "geometry": {
    "type": "LineString",
    "coordinates": [
      [-73.88075000161994, 40.674129666468296],
      [-73.89035800079188, 40.67270966767174]