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Monitoring insights

Even when you continuously monitor your Elasticsearch cluster through a tool like Datadog, you may want to quickly ascertain what's happening right now to answer questions like:

To answer questions like these, it's safe to assume that you'd be already inside of the (linux) terminal, performing commands like [du](<https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/du.1.html>), [ps](<https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ps.1.html>), etc. If you look closely, all these commands respond in a table-like format. But remember that Elasticsearch is a JSON-in, JSON-out interface.

Now, JSON is great… for computers. Even if it’s pretty-printed, trying to find relationships in the data is tedious. Human eyes, especially when looking at a terminal, need compact and aligned text. The compact and aligned text (CAT) APIs aim to meet this need.

Running GET _cat lists all the available commands:


Appending ?help to a particular command works similarly to the man command on linux:

GET _cat/allocation?help
shards       | s              | number of shards on node      
disk.indices | di,diskIndices | disk used by ES indices       
disk.used    | du,diskUsed    | disk used (total, not just ES)
disk.avail   | da,diskAvail   | disk available                
disk.total   | dt,diskTotal   | total capacity of all volumes 
disk.percent | dp,diskPercent | percent disk used             
host         | h              | host of node                  
ip           |                | ip of node                    
node         | n              | name of node

Regular inspections

Here are some of the commands I run on a regular basis to get a glimpse of what's going on.

Cluster health

GET _cat/health?v&h=timestamp,cluster,status

timestamp cluster       status
15:13:15  elasticsearch yellow