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What's What

Geographical objects and shapes are supported in ES through these field types:

  1. GEO POINTS latitude/longitude pairs or geo hashes. Primarily used for:
  2. GEO SHAPES select GeoJSON and WKT entities. Used for:
  3. SHAPES arbitrary x, y cartesian shapes Only available within X-Pack — a closed-source collection of features that's part of an official Elasticsearch Subscription.

<aside> ⚠️ The third dimension (z-value) in any of the above field types is also accepted but only the latitude and longitude values will be indexed — the third dimension is ignored!


Coordinate Accuracy & Precision

People often ask how many coordinate decimal places they should store.

Let's clarify that by borrowing from this GIS Stack Exchange thread and this answer by whuber:

I'm not going to get into the accuracy part and will rather focus on precision — here's a summary of what each digit in a decimal degree signifies:

                               North (+90)
                     (-180) West ---+--- East (+180)
                                South (-90)