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Creating content in Notion is easy. Monetizing it, not so much.

Sure, you can share your workspace(s) with your team or even the whole wide web — either manually or via the API.

But once you do share your work on the web, your pages will live on some notion.site subdomain — not great for your personal / brand’s SEO

Even worse, the shared pages are now fully exposed to the internet — so your work can be copied, scraped, and otherwise “repurposed.”

So what do you do?

Well, you could go with super.so and password-protect your workspace. You’d use a custom domain — which is great — but your SEO would still suffer. See, password-protected pages are binary: either everything is shown or nothing… Plus, password-protection is not so easy to automate — you’d need a database of sorts (notion?) to keep track of who has the password. If you need to change the password, you’ll have to let everyone affected know — probably via some semi-automated email? Or Zapier?

Maybe you’d let Gumroad handle the membership logic. But would you want to rely on Gumroad to find your customers — or vice versa, have your customers find you via Gumroad — and still not be able to showcase content previews?

What if you could…

…with a pre-built full-stack template?

Notion-Paywall.com itself runs on the Notion-Paywall template.

So does ElasticsearchBook.com. And GMapsBook.com. And many others…

Your blog / e-book / programme / newsletter can now too!